Importance of Black History Month
Message from Our President
Why it’s important to celebrate Black History Month
…especially this year.
My Beloved Community,
As we enter Black History Month, we must remember that Black history isn't just a chapter in American history – it is American history. From the construction of our nation's capital to the innovations that power our modern world, Black people have been architects of America's story since we arrived on its shores in 1619.
Here in Las Vegas, our community's journey reflects the broader African American experience – one of resilience, achievement, and continuous fight for justice. When the Historic Westside was established in the 1920s due to segregation, our foremothers and forefathers didn't just survive; they built thriving businesses, vibrant cultural institutions, and strong community bonds - some of which can still be seen and felt all throughout the Valley.
At this critical moment in our nation's history, we're witnessing troubling attempts to sanitize our past and present. Some states are banning books that tell our stories. Others are upending and dismantling freedoms and liberties that our loved ones shed blood for. What’s more, is that diversity has been morphed into an artificial enemy by those that feel threatened by a more equitable society that includes the perspectives of folks from all walks of life. There are even efforts to rewrite curriculum to downplay the impact of slavery and Jim Crow on our nation's development.
This makes our mission at the NAACP Las Vegas branch more vital than ever. We must be vigilant in preserving and sharing our complete, unvarnished history – not just the comfortable parts, but the full truth of our American journey. Whether it's the triumph of the Underground Railroad or the tragedy of Tulsa's Black Wall Street, these stories belong to all Americans.
To our members, I urge you to make this Black History Month a time of celebration and a time of action. Share our stories with the young people in your lives. Support our local Black-owned businesses and cultural institutions. Attend our community events where we'll explore both our history and our vision for the future.
Remember, when we fight to preserve Black history, we're fighting to preserve American history in its entirety. Our story is one of struggle and resilience, of pain and progress, of challenges and triumphs – and it must be told, complete and unabridged, for generations to come.
In solidarity and in strength,